CADD centre Course Level

Overview & Objectives
Overview & Objectives

Each CAD software has its own unique strength. Leveraging the strengths of different software is therefore a necessity to achieve the desired project outcomes. In this context, professionals are required to learn multiple CAD software.

Advanced Courses meet this real world requirement perfectly. They are developed to equip one to master multiple yet complementary CAD software suitable for different engineering design and product development projects.

caddcentre duration Duration: 160 hours

caddcentre ideal Ideal for:

  • People aspiring to have a senior-level
    position in engineering careers
  • Professionals with adequate work experience
    and practical exposure to CAD concepts
    and software environment

Key Features

Job/internship opportunity
Job/internship opportunity
Projects for each module
Projects for each module
NSDC certification
NSDC certification
Courses offered
BIM Festival