CADD centre Course Level

Overview & Objectives
Overview & Objectives

Having CAD skills is one thing, but using them to create a marketable (and saleable) product or value is another. The name of the game is delivering innovation. To win, one must have expertise in the processes concerning New Product Development as well as excellence in managerial science.

Expert Courses from CADD Centre represent an ultimate combination of engineering and managerial competencies required to add superior value to markets and organisations. The courses are comprehensive in terms of coverage of subjects and skills. They pack all relevant CAD and project management software relevant for the given industry.

caddcentre duration Duration: 240 hours

caddcentre ideal Ideal for:

  • Aspiring candidates for senior
    to executive positions
  • Professionals aspiring to be
    Product Heads or heads of
    New Product Development division

Key Features

Job/internship opportunity
Job/internship opportunity
Projects for each module
Projects for each module
Courses offered
International Design Competition