CADD centre Course Level

Overview & Objectives
Overview & Objectives

Design and analysis are two important competencies in design and product development in any engineering domain. Entirely CAD driven, the process of designing, and doing the analysis to check various quality parameters of the designs, requires applications of multiple CAD software.

CADD Center’s Masters courses help you gain complete mastery over the right type of CAD tools for the given stream in design and analysis. The focus will be on advanced and latest CAD features.

caddcentre duration Duration: 160 hours

caddcentre ideal Ideal for:

  • People aspiring to have a senior-level
    position in engineering careers
  • Professionals with adequate work experience
    and practical exposure to CAD concepts
    and software environment

Key Features

Job/internship opportunity
Job/internship opportunity
Projects for each module
Projects for each module

Courses offered